Saturday, March 14, 2009

fit for a queen

On January 9th, 2009 I stepped through the door of my new home for the next 2 years and thought, "what the heck did I get myself into!? Where's the washer, the dryer, the stove, the carpet, the ceiling, the toilet seat!!?" AHHH! My mind was racing a mile a minute. My home in Loitokitok seemed a lot cozier than this. Then, I immediately snapped out of it and said to myself, "Aneesah, this will be a challenge, but if the Home Design team on ABC can turn a ghetto crackhouse abode into a diamond in the ruff can you girl! So get to work!" And that I did...

My place isn't that large at all, probably one of the smallest of all volunteers. I have two small rooms (bedroom, livingroom) and teeny, tiny toilet/bathingroom. Two days before I arrived the walls were painted. About 3/4 of the top is white, and the rest down below is a beautiful baby blue. This also gave me a lot of color choices, as far as my furniture is concerned. One of my favorite things about my place is the door. It's very tall, almost completely made of glass, and very sturdy as to keep intruders out. I'm thinking a nice deep yellow or ocean blue paint will give it more life. The compound that I stay on is on a hill overlooking Machakos. It's a beautiful view from sunrise to sunset. There's a mini shamba (farm) and watch dogs that are cared for by the house boy John. As the days have carried on I've slowly been remodeling my place. Everyone who steps inside is just blown away by the decor. My answer to them, "Thank you, but I must give credit to Oprah's design team." Blank stares always reflect back to me.

All in all, I feel this place is fit for me...I wouldn't have it any other way...except a ceiling to keep the rats away and a toilet to relax on!


  1. You did a really good job w/the decorations!

  2. wow, the toilets here look so similar!
